Asset Catalog Creator

  1. Asset Catalog Creator Free
  2. Asset Catalog Creator Free

Discover the best assets for game making. Choose from our massive catalog of 2D, 3D models, SDKs, templates, and tools to speed up your game development process. Contribute to qt-creator/qt-creator development by creating an account on GitHub. Let qmake handle asset catalog compilation on macOS Change-Id.

  • 카테고리:Developer Tools
  • 최근 업데이트: 2020-12-06
  • 현재 버전: 3.8.1
  • 파일 크기: 8.57 MB
  • 호환성: 필요 Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

다운로드 링크

앱 다운로드 ⇩

Windows PC에서 Asset Catalog Creator를 다운로드하여 설치하고 즐기십시오.

사용 Asset Catalog Creator 귀하의 Windows 컴퓨터에서 실제로 매우 쉽습니다하지만 당신 이이 과정을 처음 접한다면, 당신은 분명히 아래 나열된 단계에주의를 기울일 필요가있을 것입니다. 컴퓨터 용 데스크톱 응용 프로그램 에뮬레이터를 다운로드하여 설치해야하기 때문입니다. 다운로드 및 설치를 도와 드리겠습니다 Asset Catalog Creator 아래의 간단한 4 단계로 컴퓨터에서:

1 : Windows 용 Android 소프트웨어 에뮬레이터 다운로드

에뮬레이터의 중요성은 컴퓨터에서 안드로이드 환경을 흉내 내고 안드로이드 폰을 구입하지 않고도 안드로이드 앱을 설치하고 실행하는 것을 매우 쉽게 만들어주는 것입니다. 누가 당신이 두 세계를 즐길 수 없다고 말합니까? 우선 아래에있는 에뮬레이터 앱을 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.
A. Nox App . OR
B. Bluestacks App.
Bluestacks는 매우 대중적이므로 개인적으로 'B'옵션을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 문제가 발생하면 Google 또는 Naver.com에서 좋은 해결책을 찾을 수 있습니다.

2 : 이제 Windows PC에 소프트웨어 에뮬레이터 설치

Bluestacks.exe 또는 Nox.exe를 성공적으로 다운로드 한 경우 컴퓨터의 다운로드 폴더 또는 다운로드 한 파일을 일반적으로 저장하는 곳으로 이동하십시오.
찾으면 클릭하여 응용 프로그램을 설치하십시오. PC에서 설치 프로세스를 시작해야합니다.
다음을 클릭하여 EULA 라이센스 계약에 동의하십시오.
응용 프로그램을 설치하려면 화면 지시문을 따르십시오.
위 사항을 올바르게 수행하면 소프트웨어가 성공적으로 설치됩니다.

3 : Windows PC 용 Asset Catalog Creator 사용 방법 - Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10

이제 설치 한 에뮬레이터 애플리케이션을 열고 검색 창을 찾으십시오. 지금 입력하십시오. - Asset Catalog Creator 앱을 쉽게 볼 수 있습니다. 그것을 클릭하십시오. 응용 프로그램 창이 열리고 에뮬레이터 소프트웨어에 응용 프로그램이 표시됩니다. 설치 버튼을 누르면 응용 프로그램이 다운로드되기 시작합니다. 이제 우리는 모두 끝났습니다.
그런 다음 '모든 앱'아이콘이 표시됩니다.
클릭하면 설치된 모든 응용 프로그램이 포함 된 페이지로 이동합니다.
당신은 Asset Catalog Creator 상. 그것을 클릭하고 응용 프로그램 사용을 시작하십시오.

보너스 : Android 및 iOS 용 다운로드

Android에서 다운로드

개발자 설명

Asset Catalog Creator takes any image and creates a full set of icons, launch screens or pretty much any other type of image that you’ll need to make an app on any of Apple’s platforms. Unlike other icon generators, batch resizers or scripts, these are converted directly into the latest Asset Catalog format; eliminating any additional steps before they’re ready to use.As of iOS 12, there are 26 different image sizes needed for a universal app icon as well as another 26 different splash screen dimensions! Even if you already have an automated way of batch resizing images it’s a tedious process to identify and drag all of the files into their respective places and then deal with any misfitting sizes. Asset Catalog Creator is configured with well over 100 image dimension requirements so you’ll never need to look a size up again. Asset Catalog Creator is designed to be quick and easy to use and fit seamlessly into your workflow. All you need to do is add an image, point the app to where your project is, pick your icon type and export. The app finds the existing asset catalog(s) and has advanced merging abilities that allow it to append or overwrite based on your choices. If you’ve never used Asset Catalogs in your apps before, now is a great time to start. You’ll find managing and organising your image files much easier and you’ll also benefit from improved performance and reduced app install size, thanks to the smarter way asset catalogs are compiled and archived into binaries.LIST OF SUPPORTED ASSET TYPESiOSApp Icon, Launch Screen, iMessage IconwatchOSApp Icon, ComplicationtvOSApp Icon, Launch Screen, Top Shelf, Top Shelf WidetvOS Game CentreLeaderboard, DashboardmacOSApp IconUniversalUniversal and device-specific image sets, in @1x, @2x (Retina) and @3x (Retina HD variants or as single vectors )Catalyst IconsFEATURESContinuously updated for the latest asset; currently, iOS 12 with iPhone Xs, Apple Watch Series 4, iPad Pro and 4K Apple TV icons etc.Support for importing images in numerous formats: png, jpg, bmp, pdf, svg and moreBatch exporting optionsAutomatic best image variant selection: add images at multiple sizes and have the closest match used for each assetAdvanced image validations, letting you know when images are to be upscaled etc.Retaining vector images; automatically converting vector-based PDFs and SVGs into PDF assetsSupport for merging new assets into existing catalogs whilst maintaining your folder hierarchyAutomatic image naming and renamingPreviews for launch screens and tvOS Image StacksPreset image sizes for assets used in-app, i.e. tab bar button size, nav title size etc.Automatic alpha removal handling, removing alpha channels where necessary to ensure iTunes Connect acceptanceFully featured command line interfaceShadow and corner rounding effectsYou can watch a demo of the app here AND PRO APP VERSIONSThe app is available in two different versions, Asset Catalog Creator & Asset Catalog Creator Pro. Both versions have an identical set of features but have different pricing structures to suit your preference. Asset Catalog Creator gives you the ability to make iOS app icons out-of-the-box and you need to unlock the ability to create each additional type of icon via in-app-purchases. The in-app-purchases are all non-consumable so will be unlocked permanently and can be used across all of your computers. The difference with the Pro version is that every type of icon etc. is unlocked out-of-the-box and there is nothing additional in the app for you to purchase. For the latest news, updates and promotions follow me on Twitter @MarkBridgesApps


The Now Platform does not create an asset automatically under certain conditions. You can create an asset manually as needed.

Role required: model_manager

Grey post box for house. About this task

The conditions under which an asset is not automatically created include the following.

Asset Catalog Creator Free

  • Forced CI verification: If you select the Enforce CI verification check box in the Model Category form, the system does not create an asset automatically when a CI is created or discovered. When Enforce CI verification is enabled, newly created CIs do not trigger an automatic creation of an asset. Instead, these newly created CIs have their Requires verification field automatically set to true, which displays the following UI actions for the CI:
    • Create Asset: Creates an asset and sets Requires verification to false.
    • Merge CI: Merges duplicates of a CI. This action is useful if an asset for the CI was created in a separate process, which created an associated CI. Then a second CI was created either manually or via the discovery source - and the duplicate CIs did not properly coalesce.
  • Configuration errors: In rare cases, the system can fail to create the asset automatically. This failure can occur if you assign the model and model category to the CI in the wrong sequence.

Follow these steps to create an asset manually.

Asset Catalog Creator Free

  1. Navigate to Product Catalog > Product Model > Model Categories.
  2. Open a model category that has no assigned CI class.
  3. Click Create Assets.
    This action creates assets from all CIs deferred for verification in this model category. This option is only available for users with the admin role.